My Crazy Life

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Most Dependable & Predictable Thing In My Life

  In this crazy, always changing life I'm living it's hard to find the predictable or dependable in each day.  I was sitting around the house realizing everything was clean, dinner was already prepared, the girls and Roger were at school and Brenden was down for a nap.  So I was bored thinking I had nothing to do and then I remembered I had a load of laundry in the washer and dryer!  Laundry, it is always there for me.  It's everlasting flow is predictable and dependable!  Seriously have you ever thought about it?  For the most part it never changes, something always needs to be washed.  If you ever think your completely finished you soon remind yourself of the comforting dependability it has by changing into your PJ's and tossing your dirty clothes in the hamper.   


  1. I'm just jealous your house was clean and dinner was prepared. You're two steps ahead of me! Hahaha, but you're right- Laundry is always there, the never ending cycle!

  2. This is soo very true, I wonder sometimes if I wear a abnormal amount of clothes...
